Different issues that affect the reproductive system hinder a woman’s ability to conceive and carry a pregnancy to full term. For couples experiencing unexplained infertility, a specialist may conduct various tests to determine the cause of the problem. Here are a few health conditions that can affect fertility:
1. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common causes of infertility in women that affects the ovaries. This condition causes an imbalance of hormones, preventing the growth and release of mature eggs. It also leads to irregular periods, where periods come less often, more often, or not at all.
Many women with PCOS have lower egg quality, which means fertilization may become more challenging. Since poor egg quality can prevent the embryo from developing properly, it may increase the possibility of pregnancy loss. To improve fertility, a healthcare provider may prescribe medications that stimulate ovulation and balance hormones.
2. Endometriosis
Endometriosis occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the womb grows in other places. This tissue can stick to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other pelvic organs, causing various issues that contribute to unexplained infertility. When this reproductive health condition causes scars on the fallopian tubes, it prevents eggs from traveling to the uterus, stopping fertilization.
Endometrial tissue outside the uterus can make it harder for the uterus lining to support an embryo. This part of the body may fail to nurture the embryo, which lowers the chances of a successful pregnancy. To remove endometrial tissue, adhesions, or cysts, a qualified surgeon may perform a laparoscopy to improve reproductive function.
3. Uterine and Cervical Conditions
Examples of uterine and cervical conditions include polyps, fibroids, and structural issues that affect fertility. If fibroids and polyps grow in the uterus lining, they can make it harder for a fertilized egg to implant. When they are in the cervix, they block the sperm, preventing fertilization from taking place. Some women have a narrow cervix that prevents sperm from entering the uterus or makes it difficult for an embryo to implant. To manage such issues, a healthcare provider offers medication to shrink fibroids and polyps.
4. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Also called PID, pelvic inflammatory disease infects the upper genital tract, such as the womb, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. This health condition is caused by sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. If left untreated, PID will cause scars and damage to the fallopian tubes, which prevents eggs from traveling from the ovaries to the uterus. This condition can also affect the ovaries or the uterine lining, making it harder for an embryo to implant successfully. When doctors diagnose this disease early enough, they prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection and prevent further damage.
5. Thyroid Problems
When the thyroid produces too much or too few hormones, it causes irregular ovulation or prevents ovulation. Some women may miss their periods, which affects their ability to conceive and sustain a pregnancy. A medical professional suggests hormonal treatment and a proper diet to restore hormone levels and improve fertility. Throughout therapy and other forms of treatment, a provider monitors hormone levels by conducting blood tests. Once thyroid levels are managed, a specialist may recommend remedies like in vitro fertilization to improve the chances of a healthy pregnancy.
Get Tested for Unexplained Infertility Today
Different issues related to hormones and the reproductive system may prevent a woman from becoming pregnant easily. A fertility specialist carries out a specific test to determine what’s causing infertility so that they can recommend appropriate treatment. To find out more about the testing procedure, call a trusted clinic today.